Thursday, December 24, 2009

Welcome to our new home. is a dedicated and indispensable new source for fire industry and fire professionals.

This is our design, a year in the making. That's a year of extensive discussions with people like you, about what would make the portal better to drive your business activity.

We want this to be the best website covering fire protection business and industry happenings, news, analysis, and opinion. We want you to be able to come for a quick glance at the industry news, or browse longer into a page that's important to you.

This site is for you; we want it to be your means to Industry news, tender information, and Project TradeLeads, Jobs, Fire Directory , Tradeshows , / events, Consultancy and forum

We're proud of our new home, and hope you like it. And this is just the beginning. In the coming months, we will continue to roll out new features and functionality.

We invite you to visit the site by clicking here and we look forward to your feedback. Write to

And come back often. There's a lot of information we've got for you.
